
ASCEND Routesetting So, those colorful grips change all the time?


Rotation + Gym Layouts

See below for the general setting rotation for each location. For the most up-to-date information, tune into our Instagram channels ASCEND Climbing Gym + ASCEND Routesetters.


Boulders and ropes are each set twice a week. One day of boulders is spent on the north boulder and one is spent on the south boulder. The rotation is generally climbers left on each boulder. One day of ropes is generally spent in the tall bay and one day is spent in the Development Zone.


Boulders are set twice a week. One day is spent on the U-wall. The rotation starts at the campus board on the left and travels to the right. One day is spent on the Island Boulder and travels climbers left around the boulder. Rope routes are set twice a week. One day is spent on the taller main wall and rotates climbers left down the wall. One day a week is spent on the shorter secondary wall and the rotation travels climbers left down the wall. The Development Zone is set once a week and travels climbers left from the top out boulder.


Boulders are set twice a week. The general rotation begins on the blue wall slab and wraps around to the cave. It then jumps across to the mushroom slab and wraps around the window wall and to the mushroom. Then jumps over to the wave wall and wraps around the arch first on the window side then to the desk side. Top ropes are set once a week and generally travels climbers right around the boulder. Problem of the Week is generally set once a week at the end of the week.

A Glimpse Into

The World Of Routesetting

2020 Pandemic

Virtual Roundtable